What I've Worked On

2024 FRC Robot (8588)

As a part of FRC team 8588, I had a major role in the redesign of our 2024 season robot. The goal of the robot was to intake and shoot a note, using a pivoting wrist. Our initial design was a taller, less efficient robot. I utilized Onshape to design a smaller, more compact version which was eventually used during the season.


For the annual hackMCST hackathon, I worked on a cardboard hand which had the capability to sign nearly every letter in the ASL alphabet. It utilized an Arduino Uno Wifi and 6 SG90 Servos to alter the position of each finger. The hand was controlled using a temporary website which was hosted using the arduino on the competition Wi-Fi. Becuse of this, the user was able to control the hand using their phone or computer. Along with the hand, an AI component was made to translate sign language live through video feed. The goal of this project was to create an alternative method of learning ASL, something that is rarely taught in schools.

Turrt V1

For my end of the year project in 2024, I decided to create a turret that would be controlled by a keyboard and arduino. The turret had 2DOF utilizing a servo and stepper motor. There were two servos attached to the back of the nerf gun to pull the trigger and shoot the gun. The circuit was controlled using an arduino uno. The user was able to move the turret and fire the gun using a laptop keyboard and a python script.